
A valid passport is REAL ID-compliant identification. If you do not have a valid passport, visit the Department of Homeland Security for more information on REAL ID-compliant identification: You can also obtain a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or state ID. You will need to go in person to present documentation to verify who you are and where you live in order… More »

Several states are compliant with the REAL ID Act. Check for the star; generally a star indicates the license qualifies as a REAL ID. You can also visit the Department of Homeland Security website for more information:  In addition, a valid passport is a REAL-ID compliant form of identification. 

All employees, users, visitors, authorized guests, scientist emeritus, retired guests and subcontractors who access non-public areas of the Batavia or South Dakota sites will be impacted. Visitors to Fermilab who visit only public areas will not be impacted. Public areas include: the Lederman Science Center, the site’s walking/bicycling paths, portions of building 327, the lobby area of… More »

The Act goes into effect on May 3, 2023. To comply with the Act, Fermilab is taking certain actions now, including relating to its badging process for employees, users, authorized guests, scientist emeritus, retired guests and subcontractors.

What is REAL ID?

The REAL ID Act establishes minimum security for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards. The Act requires that Federal agencies view compliant identification for accessing certain Federal facilities, including non-public areas of Fermilab and boarding commercial aircraft.