At this time, TSA does not accept mobile or electronic driver’s licenses.
Beginning May 3, 2023, every domestic or international commercial air traveler arriving to or departing from the U.S. must present REAL ID-compliant identification. Individuals who are not able to present REAL ID-compliant identification will not be permitted to enter TSA airport checkpoints and will not be permitted to fly.
Yes, you will still need REAL ID-compliant identification beginning May 3, 2023.
All commercial air travel originating or terminating in the United States will require passengers to present REAL-ID-compliant identification starting on May 3, 2023. A Fermilab badge does not satisfy the REAL ID requirement for purposes of commercial air travel. Visit the Fermilab travel site for more information (must be on the Fermilab network). Learn about flying with a REAL… More »